Spire Overview
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Spire is the first based rollup stack
called Based Stack on Ethereum, enabling app developers to create their own appchains as based rollups. It enables appchains to interact with Ethereum's liquidity and protocols natively (think: cross-chain swaps).
Based Stack appchains provide decentralized preconfirmations for lightning-fast UX, as well as customization for any use case.
If you're new to based rollups or want to learn more about what they are and how they work then check out our educational section for a high level overview:
The Based Stack is an open-source framework for customizable appchains with subsecond confirmations and Ethereum interoperability:
The Preconf Router is an important piece of the complete Spire appchain vision as it enables the abstraction of preconfirmation complexity from users. Users that opt-in to the Preconf Router can access the benefits of fast preconfirmations without switching wallets, as the Preconf Router implements (and extends) the standard Ethereum JSON-RPC API: